【同义词辨析】 2020-07-20 可怕fearful-shocking

fearful: applies to what produces fear, agitation, loss of courage, or mere disquiet: a ~ predicament.     agitation紧张情绪激动nervous and emotional excitement  disquiet不安implies loss of sense of security or peace不安心平静,如the disquieting news of a tragic accident悲惨事故让人不安

awful: implies the creating of an awareness of transcendent or overpowering force, might, or significance: waited in the ~ dark for their rescuers to come.   transcend超越  overpower压倒

dreadful: applies to what fills one with shuddering fear or loathing and strikes one as at least disagreeable or extremely unpleasant: cancer is a ~ disease.

frightful: implies such a startling or outrageous quality as produces utter consternation or a paralysis of fear: a ~ tornado.   startle惊吓to surprise and frighten someone slightly,如the telephone startled him电话铃声吓了他一跳,如the explosion startled the horse爆炸声使马受了惊,如I didn't mean to startle you我不是存心要吓唬你,如it startled me to find her sitting in my office我一进办公室,发现她坐在里面,把我吓了一跳)     consternation恐慌feeling of anxiety or fear焦虑害怕,如his decision caused consternation in the art photography community他的决定在艺术摄影圈内引起了恐慌

terrible: suggests painfulness too great to be endured or a capacity to produce and prolong extreme and agitating fear: caught in the grip of the ~ maelstrom.  大漩涡

terrific: applies to something intended or fitted to inspire terror as by its size, appearance, or potency: a ~ outburst of fury.   (词典中terrific不表示恐怖,而是表示1、极好excellent, wonderful,如I feel absolutely terrific today我今天感觉好极了,如she's doing a terrific job她活儿干得真棒   2、极大very large, very great,如I've got a terrific amount of work to do我有大量的工作要做,如we drove along at a terrific speed我们以极快的速度驱车行驶。这词条应该是terrifying,表示令人恐怖

appalling: describes what strikes one with dismay as well as terror or horror: had to perform the operation under ~ conditions.   惊愕: 形容因吃惊而发愣,非常震惊的样子。 dismay2个意思: 1惊愕 2气馁,都表示面对突然的困难麻烦不知怎么办, 如he looked at her in dismay诧异地看着她, 又如they were dismayed to find that the train had already left他们发现火车已离开,感到很气馁)

horrible: applies to something the sight of which induces fear or terror combined with loathing or aversion and suggests hatefulness or hideousness: the ~ carnage of war.       hateful可恨applies to something or someone that arouses active hatred or hostility,如the hateful prospect of another war可恨的下一场战争,如a hateful crime/sin可恨的罪行/罪恶)   (hideous丑陋可怖stresses personal reaction and the horror of loathing induced by something felt as outwardly or inwardly extremely ugly强调给人的反应,表示极端丑陋,让人感到厌恶可怖,如a hurricane that caused hideous destruction飓风带来可怖的损毁)

horrific: suggests qualities or properties intended or suited to produce a horrible effect: a ~ account of the tragedy.

shocking: implies characteristics which startle because they are contrary to expectations, standards of good taste, rational thought, or moral sense: fond of ~ stories.    (又如shocking behaviour/news/waste of money骇人听闻的行为/消息/挥霍行为,如it is shocking that they involved children in the crime令人发指的是,他们教唆儿童参与犯罪)

fearful可怕: 指使人害怕紧张胆小,或仅不安,awful可怕糟糕强大: 使人感到被超越的力量压倒,dreadful害怕厌恶: 指让人害怕并想逃避,frightful惊吓: 让人惊吓恐慌,terrible痛苦、恐怖: 表示难忍痛苦,或极端恐惧,terrific令人恐怖: 指令人恐怖,appalling惊愕气馁: 表示让人惊愕气馁,horrible恐怖: 表示令人极端恐惧,同时感到厌恨厌恶,horrific使人恐怖: 表示令人恐怖,shocking震惊骇人听闻: 指令人震惊有违预期品味理智伦理

记忆方法: 1)首字母FADFTTAHHS重新排列成FFAATT双倍肥胖 + HHDS很坏的事<==后果可怕       ""是形声字,从心白声,本意是恐惧,"白"表示此时心里往往一片空白,感到危险内心一片空白而无所作为是怕,如怕事怕死怕生(即认生)怕羞可怕欺软怕硬后怕    ""是会意字,表示使人害怕敬服,据甲骨文意思是"手拿杖打人"的样子,如敬畏人民畏威怀德畏天知命     千字文有句: "悚惧恐惶 sǒng jù kǒng huáng","悚"是浑身一抖,汗毛乍起,起鸡皮疙瘩,如毛骨悚然; "惧"是轻微的害怕,内心有点不安; "恐"是严重的害怕,如惊恐恐怖,恐惧轻重程度不同,在现代连用了; "惶"是惊慌失措,心里七上八下坐卧不安即烦躁,如惶惶不可终日


        3)可怕的意思是给人精神压力痛苦mean of a kind to cause grave distress of mind. Additionally, all these words have a lighter, chiefly conversational value in which they mean little more than extreme.首字母FADFTTAHHS重新排列成FFAATT双倍肥胖 + HHDS很坏的事<==后果可怕